Sony Ericsson P800/900/910i

  • # Holiday Viewer
    More than 45 holidays & anniversaries per country. Holidaydata from: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, USA, France, Spain Choose country and year 31 year for choose: actual year -1/+30...
    Price: $ 8,00 USD
  • # Thermometer
    Thermometer for conversion of °Celsius into °Fahrenheit and reverse. Range adjustable by three steps ( >from -273°C to +200 °C ) Starting point of Calculation adjustable in °C or °F Easy handling by sliders Immediate r...
    Price: $ 4,00 USD
  • # Moonphases
    Calculation of all 4 moonphases for the next 30 years. Moonphases: full moon, half moon, new moon, half moon Choose the year 30 years to choice: actual year +30 years ...
    Price: $ 7,00 USD
  • # Virtual Ruler
    The Mobile Phone comes near to a swiss pocket knife now. Measuring little Objects. Little virtual Ruler cm, inch Calibrate for different Screen sizes Offset: for measure from top of the device Save all Settings Exit ...
    Price: $ 5,00 USD
  • Show all .Net programs....