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Full overview of the Month. Look and feel like a real paper organizer - 1 to 31 days with all appointments of the months - Two Views: List and Table - Table: comes near a realy paper organizer - Fast navigate forward and back (0.3 to 1.5 sec) - Grid view (Weekdayname, Date, Time, Subject) - Add, open, delete appointments (POPUP-Menu) - Total of appointments of the Month - Navigation forward, reward and jump with a calendar-control - Different icons for dayly, weekly, monthly, yearly... apointments - Filter Caterories - New: send & receive entries per Infrared - New: Font size from very small to big in 5 steps - Save all settings at exit - Support the Landscape Mode - New: Month Overview with entries (only for VGA and landscpe mode) System: Pocket PC (Windows Mobile) Call: A Service from (Pocket PC and Smartphone-Software)
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