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Seven Days access to your standard calendar and show clearly arranged the actual week. You can entries add, edit or delete. Navigation weeks fore and back. In Settings you can change the background- and text color. Additional it show the birthdays (from contacts) for the next 30 days and in the week. It is now an Universal App, it is adapted for iPhone and iPad.Functions:- Show the actual week or any other weeks- Access to the standard calendar*- Entries: add new, edit or delete- Birthdays for the next 30 days and in the week- Show the calendar week number- Show the weekday e.g. [Mo. 31] - Homebutton for jump to the actual week- Navigation the weeks fore and backSettings:- Change the color of background and text- Set the first weekday (Mo or Su)- 24h or 12h time format- Gradient on/off- Birthdays in the week- IPad: city, wind, temperatureOn the iPad additional functions:- Month calendar view (overview, current month)- Notes- Leap Year, Day off the year, Time- 4 Day Weather Preview- Portrait- & Landscape Format*Standard calendar:The App access to the standard calendar. It is not possible to access to more that one calendars (MobileMe, Google...). But you can set your standard calendar in settings Mail, Contacts, Calendars Calendar Standard calendar, if you have more that one calendars.Birthdays:Shows the birthdays from contacts as sorted list with name, birtdaydate, age, days until birthday. A special case are the birthdays from the note field. Save more birthdays in a contact note field in this format (#dd.MM.yyyy#Name#), e.g.:#06.07.1964#Paula##12.01.1991#Max# System: Call: A Service from (Pocket PC and Smartphone-Software)
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